Watch Me Walk Away - Katy Perry

Watch Me Walk Away - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Watch Me Walk Away

Letra de la canción Watch Me Walk Away - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Watch Me Walk Away esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Watch Me Walk Away - Katy Perry
Letra de Watch Me Walk Away - Katy Perry
Don't like it when you call me precious 
Coming out it sounds so vicious 
Don't like it when you're sympathizing 
With your eyes so patronizing 

Never say never 
You never thought 
I wouldn't' need you 
And neither did I 

No more codependence 
No more mending fences 
It all leads to bad dreams 
Now I'm wide awake 
No more psycodrama 
No more of your dirty karma 
Believe me 
I wash my hands clean 
Watch me walk away 

Sorry I don't have a tissue 
For all your pathetic issues 
Sorry I don't feel so sorry 
When you touch me 
You're in such a hurry 

Never say never 
You never thought 
I wouldn't leave you 
And neither did I 

No more codependence 
No more mending fences 
It all leads to bad dreams 
Now I'm wide awake 
No more psycodrama 
No more of your dirty karma 
Believe me 
I wash my hands clean 
Watch me walk away 

No more no more 
Watch me walk away 
No more no more 
Watch me walk away 
No more no more 

Watch me walk away 
Just watch me walk away 
Watch me walk away 
There's nothing you can say, no more 
Just watch me walk away 

No more codependence 
No more mending fences (Watch me walk away) 
It all leads to bad dreams (No more) 
Now I'm wide awake 
No more psycodrama (Watch me walk away) 
No more of your dirty karma 
Believe me 
I wash my hands clean 
Just watch me walk away 
Watch me walk away 
Watch me walk away
La letra de la canción Watch Me Walk Away - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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