What Is Love -Jennifer Lopez

What Is Love -Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

What Is Love

Letra de la canción What Is Love -Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción What Is Love esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer López
Letra de What Is Love -Jennifer Lopez
Nana nana nananana nanana nananana nana (x2)
People told me i should write a love song
Girl you sound so angry
You could use some variation
But i'm lonely
Negative relations
I been hurt so many times
I don't have the patience

But i wish, for so long
For someone to come and show me,
me by example, cus i've been waiting
I've tried every age
I'm so tired of the game
I wanna be somebody's girl

Would you show me the way..

What if,
I never find and i'm left behind
Should i keep hopin for love
What if,
I'm still the same,
Status doesn't change
Gotta keep hopin for love

What is love?(x3)
Somebody show me
What is love?(x3)
Cus if you told me
What is love?(x3)
I wouldn't be lonely
What is love?
Please show me..
What is love?

I've had blind dates
Hooked up with some real flakes
I've gone out with church boys, musicians are the worst
I've tried so hard
Cus i'm just so die hard
Try my best to play the part
Wish you could see inside

But i wish, for so long
For someone to come and show me, me by example,
cus i've been waiting
I've tried every age
I'm so tired of the game
I wanna be somebody's girl

Would you show me the way..

What if,
I never find and i'm left behind
Should i keep hopin for love
What if,
I'm still the same,
Status doesn't change
Gotta keep hopin for love

What is love?(x3)
Somebody show me
What is love?(x3)
Cus if you told me
What is love?(x3)
I wouldn't be lonely
What is love?
Please show me..
What is love?

Nana nana nananana nanana nananana nana
What is love?
Nana nana nananana nanana nananana nana...

I've been alone for the past three years on valentine's day
Christmas is no exception
Birthday's with naughty presents
Been back n forth, same action
I just need this to happen
I've been singin love's praises

If you would show me..
What if,
I never find and i'm left behind
Should i keep hopin for love
What if,
I'm still the same,
Status doesn't change
Gotta keep hopin for love

What is love?(x3)
Somebody show me
What is love?(x3)
Cus if you told me
What is love?(x3)
I wouldn't be lonely
What is love?
Please show me..
What is love? (x9)

Nana nana nananana nanana nananana nana (to fade)
La letra de la canción What Is Love -Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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