When Love Takes Over - David Guetta

When Love Takes Over - David Guetta
David Guetta

When Love Takes Over

Letra de la canción When Love Takes Over - David Guetta, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción When Love Takes Over esta publicada en la categoria David Guetta donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
David Guetta

Letra de When Love Takes Over - David Guetta

Its complicated
It always is
That’s just the way it goes
Feels like the way it is so long for this
I wonder if it shows

And under water
Now i can breath
It never felt so good
‘Cause i can feel it coming over me
I wouldn’t stop it if i could

When love takes over (yeah-ah-eah)
You know you can’t deny
When love takes over (yeah-ah-eah)
‘Cause something’s here tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight

Give me a reason
I gotta know
Do you feel it too?
Cant you see me here all alone
And this time I blame you
Looking out for you to hold my hand
It feels like I could fall
Now love me right, like I know you can
We could lose it all

When love takes over (yeah-ah-eah)
You know you can’t deny
When love takes over (yeah-ah-eah)
‘Cause something’s here tonight

When love takes over (yeah-ah-eah)
You know you can’t deny
When love takes over (yeah-ah-eah)
‘Cause something’s here tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight

La letra de la canción When Love Takes Over - David Guetta es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista David Guetta.
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Lo más visto de David Guetta

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