Desert Rain - Edward Maya

Desert Rain - Edward Maya
Edward Maya

Desert Rain

Letra de la canción Desert Rain - Edward Maya, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Desert Rain esta publicada en la categoria Edward Maya donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Dragon Y Caballero

Letra de Desert Rain - Edward Maya

I miss you so much, now call again
Come come tonight, just hold me tight
This desert rain, you are my guiding light.

We, we were lost this, walk of pain
I miss you so much now i call again
Come, come tonight, just hold me tight
From this desert rain, you are my guiding light
We, we were lost this, walk of tide
We forgot about love, we forgot about us
Now i am here, dreams become real.

I feel like a the sand
Is blowing away into the storm
I'm inside this dream
That feels just like a desert rain.

We, we were lost, this walk of pain
I miss you so much, now i call again
Come, come tonight just hold me tight
From this desert rain, you're my guiding light
We were lost this walk of tide
We forgot about love, we forgot about us
Now i am here, dreams become real.

I feel like a the sand
Is blowing away into the storm
I'm inside this dream
That feels just like a desert rain.

You will always have my soul
Even dream are secret worlds uhhhhh
I?m missing youuuu.


La letra de la canción Desert Rain - Edward Maya es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Edward Maya.
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