Everybody - Bob Sinclar

Everybody - Bob Sinclar
Bob Sinclar


Letra de la canción Everybody - Bob Sinclar, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Everybody esta publicada en la categoria Bob Sinclar donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bob Sinclar

Letra de Everybody - Bob Sinclar

You nut just see, it's about damn time
It's time to get down... Come on, come on (en echo)
If you're ready to party with us, say YEAHHH !!!
Move your hands up ! Move your hands up !!! Come on Come on
Are you ready for this???

Let's dance ! Come on !
Just clap you hands !
YOOOO i hope you'll never forget, the sexy one, miss Tonyyyyyyy
Come on, do your dance, clap your hands ! (x4)

I know you feel the same, all my sexy ladies, do your dance !
Come on, come on, Just clap your hands.
Are you ready? Party people... Come on come on here we go !
Just dance, make your body move... (x4)
I don't wanna stop, my body is so hot... Don't stop, that's my body movin'
I don't wanna stop,, kiss me when i want it, take me to the top.
Everybody movin' ...

Move your hands up, move your hands up !
Are you ready to party? Wouhou houhou Come on !
Just dance. Wouhou houhou...
Just clap you hands !
From Chicago to Paris baby, it's how we rock it !!! Bring it down.
Let's dance, all my sexy ladies...
Just dance, make your body move... Come on (x4)
I don't wanna stop, my body is so hot... Don't stop, that's my body movin'
I don't wanna stop,, kiss me when i want it, take me to the top.
Everybody movin'.
Come on . From Chicago to Paris baby, it's how we rule this thing, you hear me???
Haha, we outa here baby... 

La letra de la canción Everybody - Bob Sinclar es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bob Sinclar.
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Lo más visto de Bob Sinclar

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