Heart Like Stone
Letra de la canción Heart Like Stone - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Heart Like Stone esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Heart Like Stone - Greyson Chance
Late at night I start to think about the things I did wrong Late at night I start to think about the things I could have done To save us from him To save us from hurt To save us from the world Late at night my tears start to melt my heart into gold Late at night the silver lining turns my heart into stone [Chorus] To save us from him To save us from hurt To save us from Suddenly my heart starts to feel, yeah my heart start To feel, my heart Starts to feel like stone All around me silver and gold but my heart never heals My heart only feels like stone Ooooh, like stone Late at night when I'm at partys my gloom fills the room Late at night when I'm dancing with other girls I Pretend it's you [Chorus] To save me from hurt To save me from hurt To save me from Suddenly, my heart starts to feel, yeah my heart Starts to feel, my heart Starts to feel like stone All around me silver and gold but my heart never heals My heart only feels like stone Suddenly, my heart starts to feel, yeah my heart starts To feel, my heart Starts to feel like stone All around me silver and gold but my heart never heals My heart only feels like stone Ooooh, like stone I've tried my hardest, i've tried my best, but you Just don't seem Satisfied And I'm here all alone tonight When I think of you I cry Suddenly, my heart starts to feel, yeah my heart Starts to feel, my heart Starts to feel like stone All around me silver and gold but my heart never heals My heart only feels like stone Suddenly, Ooooh, like stone All around me silver and silver and gold my heart Never heals My heart only feels like stone Late at night when I'm all alone I think of you...
La letra de la canción Heart Like Stone - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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