Kiss My Eyes - Bob Sinclar

Kiss My Eyes - Bob Sinclar
Bob Sinclar

Kiss My Eyes

Letra de la canción Kiss My Eyes - Bob Sinclar, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Kiss My Eyes esta publicada en la categoria Bob Sinclar donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bob Sinclar

Letra de Kiss My Eyes - Bob Sinclar

(Come over)
(Come over)
(Come over)
(Come over)

In the darl the dance begins
The night is starting to sway
Feel the beat of extasy inside your soul
Pumping hard
I make belive that love is real
And lets us take control
Let´s be dangerous if only for one moment

Come....and kiss my eyes
Come....and kiss my eyes
Over come we're overcome
Come we're overcome

(Come over)
(Come over)
(Come over)
(Come over)

In the dark the magic spins
And we forget the day
Feel the rush of energy inside your soul
One 2 one

I'll take a chance that love is here
And love is all we know (we're watching one another)
Let's be dangerous live only for the moment

Come....And kiss my eyes
Over come we're overcome
Come we're overcome
Come....and kiss my eyes
Come....and kiss my eyes
Over come we're overcome
Come we're overcome

La letra de la canción Kiss My Eyes - Bob Sinclar es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bob Sinclar.
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