Little London Girl - Greyson Chance

Little London Girl - Greyson Chance
Greyson Chance

Little London Girl

Letra de la canción Little London Girl - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Little London Girl esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Greyson Chance

Letra de Little London Girl - Greyson Chance

I shut the door
And I step outside
It's close to midnight
And the fog is in
And the street lights

With the sound of Big Ben
It reminded me
It was only yesterday
When we first met in that cafe
And our worlds entwined.

Ooooh don't you know?
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby
I'm ready to go.
Ooooh don't you know?
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me
You light my world
My little London girl.

Sunglasses on
You take me to Camden Town
As you share your headphones
With the Kinks and the Rolling Stones.

As you walk around
In your leather boots
All the boys are staring
But you're not caring
'Cuz you're so rock and roll (so rock and roll)

Ooooh don't you know?
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby
I'm ready to go.
Ooooh don't you know?
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me
You light my world
My little London girl.

(Yeah) You light my world (x5)
... Worlddd
Ooooh don't you know?
We're gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby
Are you ready to go?
Ooooh don't you know?
You light my world
My little London...
Girlll don't you know?
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby
I'm ready to go.
Ooooh don't you know?
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me
You light my world
My little London girl.

La letra de la canción Little London Girl - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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