Purple Sky - Greyson Chance

Purple Sky - Greyson Chance
Greyson Chance

Purple Sky

Letra de la canción Purple Sky - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Purple Sky esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Greyson Chance

Letra de Purple Sky - Greyson Chance

Purple skies and violet rainbows
And all the angels passing by
With their words they try to break you
But they can't shake you with all their lies
Another day we will survive
Another day is worth the fight
Today we will rise
We will walk the rainbows and take over the sky
Don't let them change you
No 'cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

Black mirrors with no reflection
Broken hearts and rejection
Record times make the sound
That call the angels homeward bound
Another day we will survive
Another day is worth the fight
Today we will rise
We will walk the rainbows and take over the sky
Don't let them change you
No 'cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

These are the words and these are the choices
We are the children, we are the voices
This is the life and these are the questions
This is the time we're being tested (x2)

Don't let them change you
'Cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

You are beautiful
Tyler and Phoebe,
Eric and Billy
(We remember)
Megan and Raymond,
Seth and Justin
(we remember)
April and Brandon,
Mathew and Jared
(you are beautiful)
Meredith and Jeffrey,
Zach and Asher
We remember
'Cause you're beautiful
Just like the purple sky

La letra de la canción Purple Sky - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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Lo más visto de Greyson Chance

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