Rock The Boat - Bob Sinclar

Rock The Boat - Bob Sinclar
Bob Sinclar

Rock The Boat

Letra de la canción Rock The Boat - Bob Sinclar, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Rock The Boat esta publicada en la categoria Bob Sinclar donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bob Sinclar
Letra de Rock The Boat - Bob Sinclar
We gonna rock the boat, rock it til it breaks down
Rock the boat, bring it through the underground

It's Mr worldwide, yeah i'm marvelous
I'm so hot, I'm hotter than lava is
I don't know what you're thinkin' but I hope
you're thinkin' what I'm thinkin'
Won't you show head bubblin'
Don't knock on doors, but your jehovah is my witness
And I treat sex like it's psychical fitness
Up and down let the stock market
Now baby let me give you the business
Cara linda, pecho hecho
Ay que rico, dale chica
Pelo lacio, mira eso,
Dale loca, dame un beso

We're gonna rock the boat, rock it til it breaks down
Rock the boat, hop it til it can't be found
Keep on rockin' we ain't stopping
Rockin' rockin', keep on poppin'
Rock the boat, bring it through the underground


Tonight I'm dizzy and I'm drinking like a grizzly bear
Cause I'm on fire like a chilli super ...
I got a lighting ball in my hair,
Let's party dirty all the way my dear

We're gonna rock the boat
(Baby you gon' you'll be rocking with me)
Rock the boat
(Baby you gon' you'll be rolling with me)
We're gonna rock the boat
(Baby you gon' see you'll be rocking with me)
Rock the boat
(you gon' be rocking and rolling with me)

We're gonna rock the boat, rock it til it breaks down
Rock the boat, hop it til it can't be found
Keep on rockin' we ain't stopping
Rockin' rockin', keep on poppin'
Rock the boat, bring it through the underground


We're gonna rock the boat
(What you want to do now)
Rock the boat
(make it louder, make it louder)
We're gonna rock the boat
(how we get the party started)
Rock the boat
(make it louder, make it louder)

We gonna rock the boat, rock it til it breaks down
Rock the boat, bring it through the underground
La letra de la canción Rock The Boat - Bob Sinclar es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bob Sinclar.
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