Rock This Party - Bob Sinclar

Rock This Party - Bob Sinclar
Bob Sinclar

Rock This Party

Letra de la canción Rock This Party - Bob Sinclar, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Rock This Party esta publicada en la categoria Bob Sinclar donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bob Sinclar

Letra de Rock This Party - Bob Sinclar

Soul clap (11x)
Get up, get up!

Yeah woah
Me wanna see everybody on move
Dance all
Dollarman coming at ya
We just wanna big up Cutee B
Bob Sinclar
It's like dancing, listen it
It's the way just bounce
Everybody dance now!

Let's go
Let's go
Make it hot
Come on
Let's go
Rock, rock, say what, rock
Let's go
Everybody dance now!

Chorus 1:
Rock this party
Dance everybody
Make it hot in this party
Don't stop, move your body
Rock this party
Dance everybody
Make it hot in this party
Everybody dance now

Don't know what's on your mind
You comfy have a good time
Why shake your behind
I'm in a dancing mood
Ya'll know I'm feeling good
This is my favorite tune
Put on your dancing shoes
Gonna make you feel so good tonight
Ya'll we gonna make you feel alright

Chorus 2:
I came to rock at this party
Cause I can make you feel alright
Sweet boy, you're rocking your body
I'll get you straight to the night
Oh oh, you want this party
Oh oh, you want it now
Sweet boy, you're rocking your body
Cause I'm gonna make you mine tonight

Du du du du
Let's go
Du du du du
Du du du du
Let's go
Now everybody move (move)
Now everybody shake (shake)
Now everybody
Everybody dance now!


Don't stand a chance
Gotta look better than then
And dress nicer than then
Hold me tight ya'll, hold me tight (what)
Hold me waist ya'll, hold me waist ya'll (what)
Wipe me off!
(let's go) Just dry me off!

Chorus 2

Du du du du
Let's go
Du du du du
Du du du du
Let's go
Now everybody move (move)
Now everybody shake (shake)
Now everybody
Everybody dance now!

Chorus 1

Tell em so, you are the best
You look better then
You look better
You just better then
You just better
Shake you body
Shake you body
Show them your move
Show them your move

Chorus 2

La letra de la canción Rock This Party - Bob Sinclar es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bob Sinclar.
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Lo más visto de Bob Sinclar

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