Slipping Away - Greyson Chance

Slipping Away - Greyson Chance
Greyson Chance

Slipping Away

Letra de la canción Slipping Away - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Slipping Away esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Greyson Chance

Letra de Slipping Away - Greyson Chance

Cause it only
Breaks my heart,
To see you goin
Through this to see
You goin through this
And theres nothing i can do

And it only breaks my heart
You dont have to do this
I've got nothing to hold on to

Cause you keep slipping
Away, a little bit more
Everyday now feel like im
Running in place you
Keep slipping away

Just when i get you
Alone it feels like
Im on my own
Like the tears
Running down your face
You keep slipping away (away)
You keep slipping away

And it only makes
Me sad i think we
Almost made it, girl
We almost made it you
Know as well as i and
I take you in my
Arms ,pull you close to me
But every time i try...

You keep slipping away
A little bit more everyday
No feels like im running in place
You keep slipping away

Just when i get you
Alone it feels like
Im on my own
Like the tears
Running down your face
You keep slipping away (away)
You keep slipping away

Should i give up?
Should i let do?
My mind says yes,
But my heart says no,
My heart says no,
My heart says no

Cause you keep slipping away
A little bit more everyday
Now feels like im running in place
Cause you keep slipping away
(oooh you you)

Cause you keep slipping away
A little bit more everyday
Now feels like im running in place
Cause you keep slipping away

Just when i get you
Alone it feels like
Im on my own
Like the tears
Running down your face
You keep slipping away (away)
You keep slipping away
(you keep slipping away).

La letra de la canción Slipping Away - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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Lo más visto de Greyson Chance

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