Stars - Greyson Chance

Stars - Greyson Chance
Letra de la canción Stars - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Stars esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Greyson Chance

Letra de Stars - Greyson Chance

Started to cry as the doctor told me
She was going to leave us tonight
So i stifled my tears and i went to her room
And to my surprise she had a twinkle in her eye
She said:
“you know that i am leaving you behind, but don’t worry
 i’ll be fine, i’ll will be high in the blue sky, among 
Those beautiful stars”

Cause in the sky
You’re so high
There are beautiful stars which shine the night
She’ll be dancing in the clouds and
She’ll be singing in the rain
Among those beautiful stars

Cause in the sky
Oh so high
There are beautiful stars which shine the light
She’ll be dancing in the clouds and
She’ll be singing in the rain
Among those beautiful stars

I held her hand as she went
She took her last breath
And the tears started flowing out again
And i went to the window
And i opened it, and
There she was she was shining in the sky
Among those beautiful stars..

Cause in the sky
Oh so high
There are beautiful stars which shine the night and
She’ll be dancing in the clouds
She’ll be singing in the rain
Among those beautiful stars!

Way up in the sky
There are beautiful stars that shine the light
She’ll be dancing in the clouds
She’ll be singing in the rain
Among those beautiful stars...

And five years have past
The cancer was spreading
I wouldn't last
So i took my last breath...

I was in the sky
Oh so high
With those beautiful stars that shine the light
I was dancing in the clouds!
And i was be singing in the rain!
And i saw a beautiful face

And we were in the sky
Oh so high
With those beautiful stars that shine the light
We were dancing in the clouds!
We were singing in the rain!
Among those beautiful stars..


We were dancing in the clouds and
We were singing in the rain
Among those beautiful stars...

La letra de la canción Stars - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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Lo más visto de Greyson Chance

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